2 min readJan 3, 2022


Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

So it begins another uncertain year.. At the beginning of 2021 I was full of hope and positivity but this year it seems none of that remains. Sadly. It was very emotional year 2021. Full of ups and downs, mostly downs i think. I really hope this year will be different.

As i’m writing this now, I feel emotional. Thinking back brings back many things. But memories of my failed relationship seems to take most space in my heart. I still cannot get over the feeling of anger and sadness. As time goes on, those feelings get a little bit better. Everyday is a struggle and still I have a long road ahead. Hopefully this year will finally bring this whole brokenheartedness thing to end. Hopefully I will be able to forgive whatever there is to forgive. Most importantly, I hope I will finally see myself for who I really am and move on.

I don’t want to make big plans or new year resolutions. I know myself well enough that I will forget about them after 3 months. All I want this year is to have joy in my heart & soul. A deep peace that will not be shaken by any adversities life throws at me. I don’t want to have grand ambitions or success. I want to let myself heal and rest this year so that maybe next year I will be myself again.

Here’s to this year! Whatever comes my way i’ll try to welcome it with open arms. I will not promise anything but i’ll keep hoping, for without hope what are we?

